Stillwater Capital Management Corp.

ADV Form Part 2A: Firm Brochure

CRD# 313075


Item 1: Cover Page

Part 2A of Form ADV: Firm Brochure

January 2024 



Stillwater Capital Management Corp.

NW Corner of 8th Ave and San Carlos St #2

Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921



Firm Contact: 

Diego Marin Reyes

Chief Compliance Officer




This brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of Stillwater Capital Management. If clients have any questions about the contents of this brochure, please contact us at 831-877-1095. The information in this brochure has not been approved or verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or by any State Securities Authority. Additional information about our firm is also available on the SEC’s website at by searching CRD# 313075.


Please note that the use of the term “registered investment adviser” and description of our firm and/or our associates as “registered” does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Clients are encouraged to review this Brochure and Brochure Supplements for our firm’s associates who advise clients for more information on the qualifications of our firm and our employees.


Item 2: Material Changes


Stillwater Capital Management is required to notify clients of any information that has changed since the last annual update of the Firm Brochure (“Brochure”) that may be important to them. Clients can request a full copy of our Brochure or contact us with any questions that they may have about the changes.


The material changes in this brochure from the last annual updating amendment of Stillwater Capital Management on 03/01/2023 are described below. Material changes relate to Stillwater Capital Management’s policies, practices or conflicts of interests.

  • Stillwater Capital Management has updated their primary office address (Cover Page).

  • Stillwater Capital Management updated its contact phone number. (Cover page).

  • Stillwater Capital Management changed its billing frequency to monthly. (Items 5,11,13 & 15)



Item 3: Table of Contents


Item 1: Cover Page

Item 2: Material Changes

Item 3: Table of Contents

Item 4: Advisory Business

Item 5: Fees & Compensation

Item 6: Performance-Based Fees & Side-By-Side Management

Item 7: Types of Clients & Account Requirements

Item 8: Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies & Risk of Loss

Item 9: Disciplinary Information

Item 10: Other Financial Industry Activities & Affiliations

Item 11: Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in Client Transactions & Personal Trading

Item 12: Brokerage Practices

Item 13: Review of Accounts or Financial Plans

Item 14: Client Referrals & Other Compensation

Item 15: Custody

Item 16: Investment Discretion

Item 17: Voting Client Securities

Item 18: Financial Information

Item 19: Requirements for State-Registered Advisers


 Item 4: Advisory Business


Our firm provides individuals and other types of clients with a wide array of investment advisory services. Our firm is a limited liability company formed under the laws of the State of California in 2021, and has been in business as an investment adviser since that time. Our firm is wholly owned by Diego Reyes and Kyle Sabdo.

The purpose of this Brochure is to disclose the conflicts of interest associated with the investment transactions, compensation and any other matters related to investment decisions made by our firm or its representatives. As a fiduciary, it is our duty to always act in the client’s best interest. This is accomplished in part by knowing our client. Our firm has established a service-oriented advisory practice with open lines of communication for many different types of clients to help meet their financial goals while remaining sensitive to risk tolerance and time horizons. Working with clients to understand their investment objectives while educating them about our process, facilitates the kind of working relationship we value.

All material conflicts of interest under CCR Section 260.238 (k) are disclosed below regarding our firm, our representatives or our employees, which could be reasonably expected to impair the rendering of unbiased and objective advice. To comply with CCR Section 260.238(j), we disclose that lower fees for comparable services may be available from other sources.


Types of Advisory Services Offered


Asset Management:

As part of our Asset Management service, a portfolio is created, consisting of individual stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (“ETFs”), options, mutual funds and other public and private securities or investments. The client’s individual investment strategy is tailored to their specific needs and may include some or all of the previously mentioned securities. Portfolios will be designed to meet a particular investment goal, determined to be suitable to the client’s circumstances. Once the appropriate portfolio has been determined, portfolios are continuously and regularly monitored, and if necessary, rebalanced based upon the client’s individual needs, stated goals and objectives.


Comprehensive Portfolio Management:

As part of our Comprehensive Portfolio Management service clients will be provided asset management and financial planning or consulting services. This service is designed to assist clients in meeting their financial goals through the use of a financial plan or consultation. Our firm conducts client meetings to understand their current financial situation, existing resources, financial goals, and tolerance for risk. Based on what is learned, an investment approach is presented to the client, consisting of individual stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, mutual funds and other public and private securities or investments. Once the appropriate portfolio has been determined, portfolios are continuously and regularly monitored, and if necessary, rebalanced based upon the client’s individual needs, stated goals and objectives. Upon client request, our firm provides a summary of observations and recommendations for the planning or consulting aspects of this service.


Retirement Plan Consulting:

Our firm provides retirement plan consulting services to employer plan sponsors on an ongoing basis. Generally, such consultingservices consist of assisting employer plan sponsors in establishing, monitoring and reviewing their company's participant-directed retirement plan. As the needs of the plan sponsor dictate, areas of advising may include:


  • Establishing an Investment Policy Statement – Our firm will assist in the development of a statement that summarizes the investment goals and objectives along with the broad strategies to be employed to meet the objectives.

  • Investment Options – Our firm will work with the Plan Sponsor to evaluate existing investment options and make recommendations for appropriate changes.

  • Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction – Our firm will develop strategic asset allocation models to aid Participants in developing strategies to meet their investment objectives, time horizon, financial situation and tolerance for risk.

  • Investment Monitoring – Our firm will monitor the performance of the investments and notify the client in the event of over/underperformance and in times of market volatility.

  • Participant Education – Our firm will provide opportunities to educate plan participants about their retirement plan offerings, different investment options, and general guidance on allocation strategies.


In providing services for retirement plan consulting, our firm does not provide any advisory services with respect to the followingtypes of assets: employer securities, real estate (excluding real estate funds and publicly traded REITS), participant loans, non-publicly traded securities or assets, other illiquid investments, or brokerage window programs (collectively, “Excluded Assets”).All retirement plan consulting services shall be in compliance with the applicable state laws regulating retirement consulting services. This applies to client accounts that are retirement or other employee benefit plans (“Plan”) governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”). If the client accounts are part of a Plan, and our firm accepts appointment to provide services to such accounts, our firm acknowledges its fiduciary standard within the meaning of Section 3(21) or 3(38) of ERISA as designated by the Retirement Plan Consulting Agreement with respect to the provision of services described therein.


Tailoring of Advisory Services

Our firm offers individualized investment advice to our Asset Management and Comprehensive Portfolio Management clients. General investment advice will be offered to our Financial Planning & Consulting clients.

Each Asset Management or Comprehensive Portfolio Management client has the opportunity to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to be held in the portfolio. Restrictions on investments in certain securities or types of securities may not be possible due to the level of difficulty this would entail in managing the account. 


Participation in Wrap Fee Programs

Our firm does not offer or sponsor a wrap fee program. 


Regulatory Assets Under Management

As of December 31st, 2023, our firm manages $55,000,000 on a discretionary basis and $0 on a non-discretionary basis.


Item 5: Fees & Compensation


 Compensation for Our Advisory Services


Asset Management:

The maximum annual fee charged for this service will not exceed 1.50%. Fees to be assessed will be outlined in the advisory agreement to be signed by the client. Annualized fees are billed on a pro-rata basis monthly in arrears based on the value of the account(s) on the last day of the month. Fees are negotiable and will be deducted from client account(s). The ultimate fee to be charged to the client for this service will depend on the scope and complexity of the relationship with the client and will be assessed during our initial meeting, advisory fees will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Our firm does not offer direct invoicing. As part of this process, Clients understand the following:

  1. Clients must provide our firm with written authorization permitting direct payment of advisory fees from their account(s) maintained by a custodian who is independent of our firm;

  2. Our firm sends monthly statements to the client showing the fee amount, the value of the assets upon which the fee is based, and the specific manner in which the fee is calculated as well as disclosing that it is the client’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of fee calculation, and that the custodian does not determine its accuracy; and

  3. The account custodian sends a statement to the client, at least monthly, showing all account disbursements, including advisory fees.


Comprehensive Portfolio Management:


The maximum annual fee charged for this service will not exceed 2.00%. Fees to be assessed will be outlined in the advisory agreement to be signed by the client. Annualized fees are billed on a pro-rata basis monthly in arrears based on the value of the account(s) on the last day of the month. Fees are negotiable and will be deducted from client account(s). The ultimate fee to be charged to the client for this service will depend on the scope and complexity of the relationship with the client and will be assessed during our initial meeting, advisory fees will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Our firm does not offer direct invoicing. As part of this process, Clients understand the following:

  1. Clients must provide our firm with written authorization permitting direct payment of advisory fees from their account(s) maintained by a custodian who is independent of our firm;

  2. Our firm sends monthly statements to the client showing the fee amount, the value of the assets upon which the fee is based, and the specific manner in which the fee is calculated as well as disclosing that it is the client’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of fee calculation, and that the custodian does not determine its accuracy; and

  3. The account custodian sends a statement to the client, at least monthly, showing all account disbursements, including advisory fees. 


Retirement Plan Consulting:

Our Retirement Plan Consulting services are billed on the percentage of Plan assets under management. The total estimated fee, as well as the ultimate fee charged, is based on the scope and complexity of our engagement with the client. Fees for this service will not exceed 0.90%. The fee- paying arrangements will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be detailed in the signed consulting agreement.


Other Types of Fees & Expenses


Clients will incur transaction fees for trades executed by their chosen custodian, via individual transaction charges. These transaction fees are separate from our firm’s advisory fees and will be disclosed by the chosen custodian. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”), does not charge transaction fees for U.S. listed equities and exchange traded funds.

Clients may also pay holdings charges imposed by the chosen custodian for certain investments, charges imposed directly by a mutual fund, index fund, or exchange traded fund, which shall be disclosed in the fund’s prospectus (e.g., fund management fees, distribution fees, surrender charges, variable annuity fees, IRA and qualified retirement plan fees, mark-ups and mark-downs, spreads paid to market makers, fees for trades executed away from custodian, wire transfer fees and other fees and taxes on brokerage accounts and securities transactions). Our firm does not receive a portion of these fees.

Termination & Refunds


Either party may terminate the advisory agreement signed with our firm for Asset Management AND Comprehensive Portfolio Management services in writing at any time. Upon notice of termination pro-rata advisory fees for services rendered to the point of termination will be charged. If advisory fees cannot be deducted, our firm will send an invoice for due advisory fees to the client.


Either party to a Retirement Plan Consulting Agreement may terminate at any time by providing written notice to the other party. Full refunds will only be made in cases where cancellation occurs within 5 business days of signing an agreement. After 5 business days from initial signing, either party must provide the other party 30 days written notice to terminate billing. Billing will terminate 30 days after receipt of termination notice. Clients will be charged on a pro-rata basis, which takes into account work completed by our firm on behalf of the client. Clients will incur charges for bona fide advisory services rendered up to the point of termination (determined as 30 days from receipt of said written notice) and such fees will be due and payable.


Commissionable Securities Sales

Our firm and representatives do not sell securities for a commission in advisory accounts.



Item 6: Performance-Based Fees & Side-By-Side Management


Our firm does not charge performance-based fees.



Item 7: Types of Clients & Account Requirements

Our firm has the following types of clients:

  • Individuals and High Net Worth Individuals;

  • Trusts, Estates or Charitable Organizations;

  • Pension and Profit Sharing Plans;

  • Corporations, Limited Liability Companies and/or Other Business Types


Our requirements for opening and maintaining accounts or otherwise engaging us:

  • Our firm requires a minimum account balance of $500,000 for our Comprehensive Portfolio Management and or Asset Management service. Generally, this minimum account balance requirement is not negotiable and would be required throughout the course of the client’s relationship with our firm. However, our firm can waive account minimum requirements in its sole discretion.



Item 8: Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies & Risk of Loss



Methods of Analysis

We use the following methods of analysis in formulating our investment advice and/or managing client assets:

  • Charting: In this type of technical analysis, our firm reviews charts of market and security activity in an attempt to identify when the market is moving up or down and to predict how long the trend may last and when that trend might reverse. 


  • Cyclical Analysis: Statistical analysis of specific events occurring at a sufficient number of relatively predictable intervals that they can be forecasted into the future. Cyclical analysis asserts that cyclical forces drive price movements in the financial markets. Risks include that cycles may invert or disappear and there is no expectation that this type of analysis will pinpoint turning points, instead be used in conjunction with other methods of analysis.


  • Duration Constraints: Our firm adhere to a discipline of generally maintaining duration within a narrow band around benchmark duration in order to limit exposure to market risk. Our portfolio management team rebalances client portfolios to their current duration targets on a periodic basis. The risk of constraining duration is that the client may not participate fully in a large rally in bond prices.


  • Fundamental Analysis: The analysis of a business's financial statements (usually to analyze the business's assets, liabilities, and earnings), health, and its competitors and markets. When analyzing a stock, futures contract, or currency using fundamental analysis there are two basic approaches one can use: bottom up analysis and top down analysis. The terms are used to distinguish such analysis from other types of investment analysis, such as quantitative and technical.Fundamental analysis is performed on historical and present data, but with the goal of making financial forecasts. There are several possible objectives: (a) to conduct a company stock valuation and predict its probable price evolution; (b) to make a projection on its business performance; (c) to evaluate its management and make internal business decisions; (d) and/or to calculate its credit risk.; and (e) to find out the intrinsic value of the share.


  • Qualitative Analysis: A securities analysis that uses subjective judgment based on unquantifiable information, such as management expertise, industry cycles, strength of research and development, and labor relations. Qualitative analysis contrasts with quantitative analysis, which focuses on numbers that can be found on reports such as balance sheets. The two techniques, however, will often be used together in order to examine a company's operations and evaluate its potential as an investment opportunity.  Qualitative analysis deals with intangible, inexact concerns that belong to the social and experiential realm rather than the mathematical one. This approach depends on the kind of intelligence that machines (currently) lack, since things like positive associations with a brand, management trustworthiness, customer satisfaction, competitive advantage and cultural shifts are difficult, arguably impossible, to capture with numerical inputs. A risk in using qualitative analysis is that subjective judgment may prove incorrect.


  • Quantitative Analysis: The use of models, or algorithms, to evaluate assets for investment. The process usually consists of searching vast databases for patterns, such as correlations among liquid assets or price-movement patterns (trend following or mean reversion). The resulting strategies may involve high-frequency trading. The results of the analysis are taken into consideration in the decision to buy or sell securities and in the management of portfolio characteristics. A risk in using quantitative analysis is that the methods or models used may be based on assumptions that prove to be incorrect.


  • Sector Analysis: Sector analysis involves identification and analysis of various industries or economic sectors that are likely to exhibit superior performance. Academic studies indicate that the health of a stock's sector is as important as the performance of the individual stock itself. In other words, even the best stock located in a weak sector will often perform poorly because that sector is out of favor. Each industry has differences in terms of its customer base, market share among firms, industry growth, competition, regulation and business cycles. Learning how the industry operates provides a deeper understanding of a company's financial health. One method of analyzing a company's growth potential is examining whether the amount of customers in the overall market is expected to grow. In some markets, there is zero or negative growth, a factor demanding careful consideration. Additionally, market analysts recommend that investors should monitor sectors that are nearing the bottom of performance rankings for possible signs of an impending turnaround.


  • Technical Analysis: A security analysis methodology for forecasting the direction of prices through the study of past market data, primarily price and volume. A fundamental principle of technical analysis is that a market's price reflects all relevant information, so their analysis looks at the history of a security's trading pattern rather than external drivers such as economic, fundamental and news events. Therefore, price action tends to repeat itself due to investors collectively tending toward patterned behavior – hence technical analysis focuses on identifiable trends and conditions. Technical analysts also widely use market indicators of many sorts, some of which are mathematical transformations of price, often including up and down volume, advance/decline data and other inputs. These indicators are used to help assess whether an asset is trending, and if it is, the probability of its direction and of continuation. Technicians also look for relationships between price/volume indices and market indicators. Technical analysis employs models and trading rules based on price and volume transformations, such as the relative strength index, moving averages, regressions, inter-market and intra-market price correlations, business cycles, stock market cycles or, classically, through recognition of chart patterns. Technical analysis is widely used among traders and financial professionals and is very often used by active day traders, market makers and pit traders. The risk associated with this type of analysis is that analysts use subjective judgment to decide which pattern(s) a particular instrument reflects at a given time and what the interpretation of that pattern should be. 


Investment Strategies We Use

We use the following strategies in managing client accounts, provided that such strategies are appropriate to the needs of the client and consistent with the client's investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizons, among other considerations:


Asset Allocation: The implementation of an investment strategy that attempts to balance risk versus reward by adjusting the percentage of each asset in an investment portfolio according to the investor's risk tolerance, goals and investment time frame. Asset allocation is based on the principle that different assets perform differently in different market and economic conditions. A fundamental justification for asset allocation is the notion that different asset classes offer returns that are not perfectly correlated, hence diversification reduces the overall risk in terms of the variability of returns for a given level of expected return. Although risk is reduced as long as correlations are not perfect, it is typically forecast (wholly or in part) based on statistical relationships (like correlation and variance) that existed over some past period. Expectations for return are often derived in the same way.


An asset class is a group of economic resources sharing similar characteristics, such as riskiness and return. There are many types of assets that may or may not be included in an asset allocation strategy. The "traditional" asset classes are stocks (value, dividend, growth, or sector-specific [or a "blend" of any two or more of the preceding]; large-cap versus mid-cap, small-cap or micro-cap; domestic, foreign [developed], emerging or frontier markets), bonds (fixed income securities more generally: investment-grade or junk [high-yield]; government or corporate; short-term, intermediate, long-term; domestic, foreign, emerging markets), and cash or cash equivalents. Allocation among these three provides a starting point. Usually included are hybrid instruments such as convertible bonds and preferred stocks, counting as a mixture of bonds and stocks. Other alternative assets that may be considered include: commodities: precious metals, nonferrous metals, agriculture, energy, others.; Commercial or residential real estate (also REITs); Collectibles such as art, coins, or stamps; insurance products (annuity, life settlements, catastrophe bonds, personal life insurance products, etc.); derivatives such as long-short or market neutral strategies, options, collateralized debt, and futures; foreign currency; venture capital; private equity; and/or distressed securities.


There are several types of asset allocation strategies based on investment goals, risk tolerance, time frames and diversification. The most common forms of asset allocation are: strategic, dynamic, tactical, and core-satellite.

  • Strategic Asset Allocation: The primary goal of a strategic asset allocation is to create an asset mix that seeks to provide the optimal balance between expected risk and return for a long-term investment horizon. Generally speaking, strategic asset allocation strategies are agnostic to economic environments, i.e., they do not change their allocation postures relative to changing market or economic conditions.

  • Dynamic Asset Allocation: Dynamic asset allocation is similar to strategic asset allocation in that portfolios are built by allocating to an asset mix that seeks to provide the optimal balance between expected risk and return for a long-term investment horizon. Like strategic allocation strategies, dynamic strategies largely retain exposure to their original asset classes; however, unlike strategic strategies, dynamic asset allocation portfolios will adjust their postures over time relative to changes in the economic environment.

  • Tactical Asset Allocation: Tactical asset allocation is a strategy in which an investor takes a more active approach that tries to position a portfolio into those assets, sectors, or individual stocks that show the most potential for perceived gains. While an original asset mix is formulated much like strategic and dynamic portfolio, tactical strategies are often traded more actively and are free to move entirely in and out of their core asset classes 

  • Core-Satellite Asset Allocation: Core-Satellite allocation strategies generally contain a 'core' strategic element making up the most significant portion of the portfolio, while applying a dynamic or tactical 'satellite' strategy that makes up a smaller part of the portfolio. In this way, core-satellite allocation strategies are a hybrid of the strategic and dynamic/tactical allocation strategies mentioned above.


Fixed Income: Fixed income is a type of investing or budgeting style for which real return rates or periodic income is received at regular intervals and at reasonably predictable levels. Fixed-income investors are typically retired individuals who rely on their investments to provide a regular, stable income stream. This demographic tends to invest heavily in fixed-income investments because of the reliable returns they offer. Fixed-income investors who live on set amounts of periodically paid income face the risk of inflation eroding their spending power. 


Long-Term Purchases: Our firm may buy securities for your account and hold them for a relatively long time (more than a year) in anticipation that the security’s value will appreciate over a long horizon. The risk of this strategy is that our firm could miss out on potential short-term gains that could have been profitable to your account, or it’s possible that the security’s value may decline sharply before our firm makes a decision to sell. 


Margin Transactions: Our firm may purchase securities for your portfolio with money borrowed from your brokerage account. This allows you to purchase more stock than you would be able to with your available cash and allows us to purchase securities without selling other holdings. Margin accounts and transactions are risky and not necessarily appropriate for every client. It should be noted that our firm bills advisory fees on securities purchased on margin which creates a financial incentive for us to utilize margin in client accounts.


The potential risks associated with these transactions are (1) You can lose more funds than are deposited into the margin account; (2) the forced sale of securities or other assets in your account; (3) the sale of securities or other assets without contacting you; (4) you may not be entitled to choose which securities or other assets in your account(s) are liquidated or sold to meet a margin call; and (5) custodians charge interest on margin balances which will reduce your returns over time.


Options: An option is a financial derivative that represents a contract sold by one party (the option writer) to another party (the option holder, or option buyer). The contract offers the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security or other financial asset at an agreed-upon price (the strike price) during a certain period of time or on a specific date (exercise date). Options are extremely versatile securities. Traders use options to speculate, which is a relatively risky practice, while hedgers use options to reduce the risk of holding an asset. In terms of speculation, option buyers and writers have conflicting views regarding the outlook on the performance of a: 


  • Call Option: Call options give the option to buy at certain price, so the buyer would want the stock to go up. Conversely, the option writer needs to provide the underlying shares in the event that the stock's market price exceeds the strike due to the contractual obligation. An option writer who sells a call option believes that the underlying stock's price will drop relative to the option's strike price during the life of the option, as that is how he will reap maximum profit. This is exactly the opposite outlook of the option buyer. The buyer believes that the underlying stock will rise; if this happens, the buyer will be able to acquire the stock for a lower price and then sell it for a profit. However, if the underlying stock does not close above the strike price on the expiration date, the option buyer would lose the premium paid for the call option.


  • Put Option: Put options give the option to sell at a certain price, so the buyer would want the stock to go down. The opposite is true for put option writers. For example, a put option buyer is bearish on the underlying stock and believes its market price will fall below the specified strike price on or before a specified date. On the other hand, an option writer who sells a put option believes the underlying stock's price will increase about a specified price on or before the expiration date. If the underlying stock's price closes above the specified strike price on the expiration date, the put option writer's maximum profit is achieved. Conversely, a put option holder would only benefit from a fall in the underlying stock's price below the strike price. If the underlying stock's price falls below the strike price, the put option writer is obligated to purchase shares of the underlying stock at the strike price.

The potential risks associated with these transactions are that (1) all options expire. The closer the option gets to expiration, the quicker the premium in the option deteriorates; and (2) Prices can move very quickly. Depending on factors such as time until expiration and the relationship of the stock price to the option’s strike price, small movements in a stock can translate into big movements in the underlying options.


Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”): REITs primarily invest in real estate or real estate-related loans. Equity REITs own real estate properties, while mortgage REITs hold construction, development and/or long-term mortgage loans. Changes in the value of the underlying property of the trusts, the creditworthiness of the issuer, property taxes, interest rates, tax laws, and regulatory requirements, such as those relating to the environment all can affect the values of REITs. Both types of REITs are dependent upon management skill, the cash flows generated by their holdings, the real estate market in general, and the possibility of failing to qualify for any applicable pass-through tax treatment or failing to maintain any applicable exempted status afforded under relevant laws.


REITs involve a high degree of risk and can be illiquid due to restrictions on transfer and lack of a secondary trading market. They can be highly leveraged, speculative and volatile, and an investor could lose all or a substantial amount of an investment. Additionally, they may lack transparency as to share price, valuation and portfolio holdings as they are subject to less regulation and often charge higher fees. 


Short-Term Purchases: When utilizing this strategy, our firm may also purchase securities with the idea of selling them within a relatively short time (typically a year or less). Our firm does this in an attempt to take advantage of conditions that our firm believes will soon result in a price swing in the securities our firm purchase. 


Preferred Securities

We prefer to invest our advisory client’s in the following securities in managing client accounts, provided that such securities are appropriate to the needs of the client and consistent with the client's investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizons, among other considerations:


·       ETF’s 

·       Mutual Funds

·       Individual Securities

·       Municipal Bonds

·       Corporate Bonds


Risk of Loss

Investing in securities involves risk of loss that clients should be prepared to bear. While the stock market may increase and the account(s) could enjoy a gain, it is also possible that the stock market may decrease, and the account(s) could suffer a loss. It is important that clients understand the risks associated with investing in the stock market, and that their assets are appropriately diversified in investments. Clients are encouraged to ask our firm any questions regarding their risk tolerance.  


Capital Risk: Capital risk is one of the most basic, fundamental risks of investing; it is the risk that you may lose 100% of your money. All investments carry some form of risk and the loss of capital is generally a risk for any investment instrument. 


Company Risk: When investing in stock positions, there is always a certain level of company or industry specific risk that is inherent in each investment. This is also referred to as unsystematic risk and can be reduced through appropriate diversification.  There is the risk that the company will perform poorly or have its value reduced based on factors specific to the company or its industry.  For example, if a company’s employees go on strike or the company receives unfavorable media attention for its actions, the value of the company may be reduced.


Credit Risk: Credit risk can be a factor in situations where an investment’s performance relies on a borrower’s repayment of borrowed funds. With credit risk, an investor can experience a loss or unfavorable performance if a borrower does not repay the borrowed funds as expected or required. Investment holdings that involve forms of indebtedness (i.e. borrowed funds) are subject to credit risk. 


Economic Risk: The prevailing economic environment is important to the health of all businesses. Some companies, however, are more sensitive to changes in the domestic or global economy than others. These types of companies are often referred to as cyclical businesses. Countries in which a large portion of businesses are in cyclical industries are thus also very economically sensitive and carry a higher amount of economic risk. If an investment is issued by a party located in a country that experiences wide swings from an economic standpoint or in situations where certain elements of an investment instrument are hinged on dealings in such countries, the investment instrument will generally be subject to a higher level of economic risk. 


Equity (Stock) Market Risk: Common stocks are susceptible to general stock market fluctuations and, volatile increases and decreases in value as market confidence in and perceptions of their issuers change.  If you held common stock, or common stock equivalents, of any given issuer, you would generally be exposed to greater risk than if you held preferred stocks and debt obligations of the issuer.


ETF & Mutual Fund Risk: When investing in an ETF or mutual fund, you will bear additional expenses based on your pro rata share of the ETF’s or mutual fund’s operating expenses, including the potential duplication of management fees.  The risk of owning an ETF or mutual fund generally reflects the risks of owning the underlying securities, the ETF, or mutual fund holds. Clients will also incur brokerage costs when purchasing ETFs.  


Financial Risk: Financial risk is represented by internal disruptions within an investment or the issuer of an investment that can lead to unfavorable performance of the investment. Examples of financial risk can be found in cases like Enron or many of the dot com companies that were caught up in a period of extraordinary market valuations that were not based on solid financial footings of the companies.


Fixed Income Securities Risk: Typically, the values of fixed-income securities change inversely with prevailing interest rates. Therefore, a fundamental risk of fixed-income securities is interest rate risk, which is the risk that their value will generally decline as prevailing interest rates rise, which may cause your account value to likewise decrease, and vice versa. How specific fixed income securities may react to changes in interest rates will depend on the specific characteristics of each security. Fixed-income securities are also subject to credit risk, prepayment risk, valuation risk, and liquidity risk. Credit risk is the chance that a bond issuer will fail to pay interest and principal in a timely manner, or that negative perceptions of the issuer’s ability to make such payments will cause the price of a bond to decline.


Interest Rate Risk: Certain investments involve the payment of a fixed or variable rate of interest to the investment holder. Once an investor has acquired or has acquired the rights to an investment that pays a particular rate (fixed or variable) of interest, changes in overall interest rates in the market will affect the value of the interest-paying investment(s) they hold. In general, changes in prevailing interest rates in the market will have an inverse relationship to the value of existing, interest paying investments. In other words, as interest rates move up, the value of an instrument paying a particular rate (fixed or variable) of interest will go down. The reverse is generally true as well. 


Liquidity Risk: Certain assets may not be readily converted into cash or may have a very limited market in which they trade. This can create a substantial delay in the receipt of proceeds from an investment. Liquidity risk can also result in unfavorable pricing when exiting (i.e. not being able to quickly get out of an investment before the price drops significantly) a particular investment and therefore, can have a negative impact on investment returns.


Market Risk: The value of your portfolio may decrease if the value of an individual company or multiple companies in the portfolio decreases or if our belief about a company’s intrinsic worth is incorrect. Further, regardless of how well individual companies perform, the value of your portfolio could also decrease if there are deteriorating economic or market conditions. It is important to understand that the value of your investment may fall, sometimes sharply, in response to changes in the market, and you could lose money. Investment risks include price risk as may be observed by a drop in a security’s price due to company specific events (e.g. earnings disappointment or downgrade in the rating of a bond) or general market risk (e.g. such as a “bear” market when stock values fall in general). For fixed-income securities, a period of rising interest rates could erode the value of a bond since bond values generally fall as bond yields go up. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.

Options Risk: Options on securities may be subject to greater fluctuations in value than an investment in the underlying securities.  Additionally, options have an expiration date, which makes them “decay” in value over the amount of time they are held and can expire worthless. Purchasing and writing put and call options are highly specialized activities and entail greater than ordinary investment risks.


Description of Material, Significant or Unusual Risks 


Our firm generally invests client cash balances in money market funds, FDIC Insured Certificates of Deposit, high-grade commercial paper and/or government backed debt instruments. Ultimately, our firm tries to achieve the highest return on client cash balances through relatively low-risk conservative investments. In most cases, at least a partial cash balance will be maintained in a money market account so that our firm may debit advisory fees for our services related to our Asset Management, Comprehensive Portfolio Management services, as applicable.



Item 9: Disciplinary Information


There are no legal or disciplinary events that are material to the evaluation of our advisory business or the integrity of our management.


Item 10: Other Financial Industry Activities & Affiliations



Our firm is not registered, nor does it have an application pending to register, as a broker-dealer, registered representative of a broker dealer, investment company or pooled investment vehicle, other investment adviser or financial planner, futures commission merchant, commodity pool operator, commodity trading advisor, banking or thrift institution, accountant or accounting firm, lawyer or law firm, insurance company or agency, pension consultant, real estate broker or dealer or a sponsor or syndicator of limited partnership, or an associated person of the foregoing entities. 


Our firm does not recommend or select other investment advisers for our clients.


Our firm’s owners, Diego Reyes and Kyle Sabdo, are also insurance agents/brokers. Mr. Reyes and Mr. Sabdo offers insurance products and receives customary fees as a result of insurance sales. A conflict of interest exists as these insurance sales create an incentive to recommend products based on the compensation he may earn. To mitigate this potential conflict, Mr. Reyes and Mr. Sabdo will always act in the client’s best interest.



Item 11: Code of Ethics, Participation or Interest in

Client Transactions & Personal Trading


As a fiduciary, it is an investment adviser’s responsibility to provide fair and full disclosure of all material facts and to always act solely in the best interest of each of our clients. Our fiduciary duty is the underlying principle for our firm’s Code of Ethics, which includes procedures for personal securities transaction and insider trading. Our firm requires all representatives to conduct business with the highest level of ethical standards and to always comply with all federal and state securities laws. Upon employment with our firm, and at least annually thereafter, all representatives of our firm will acknowledge receipt, understanding and compliance with our firm’s Code of Ethics. Our firm and representatives must conduct business in an honest, ethical, and fair manner and avoid all circumstances that might negatively affect or appear to affect our duty of complete loyalty to all clients. This disclosure is provided to give all clients a summary of our Code of Ethics. If a client or a potential client wishes to review our Code of Ethics in its entirety, a copy will be provided promptly upon request.


Our firm recognizes that the personal investment transactions of our representatives demands the application of a Code of Ethics with high standards and requires that all such transactions be carried out in a way that does not endanger the interest of any client. At the same time, our firm also believes that if investment goals are similar for clients and for our representatives, it is logical, and even desirable, that there be common ownership of some securities.


In order to prevent conflicts of interest, our firm has established procedures for transactions effected by our representatives for their personal accounts[1]. In order to monitor compliance with our personal trading policy, our firm has pre-clearance requirements and a quarterly securities transaction reporting system for all of our representatives. 


Neither our firm nor a related person recommends, buys or sells for client accounts, securities in which our firm or a related person has a material financial interest without prior disclosure to the client.


Related persons of our firm may buy or sell securities and other investments that are also recommended to clients. In order to minimize this conflict of interest, our related persons will place client interests ahead of their own interests and adhere to our firm’s Code of Ethics, a copy of which is available upon request.


Likewise, related persons of our firm buy or sell securities for themselves at or about the same time they buy or sell the same securities for client accounts. In order to minimize this conflict of interest, our related persons will place client interests ahead of their own interests and adhere to our firm’s Code of Ethics, a copy of which is available upon request. Further, our related persons will refrain from buying or selling securities that will be bought or sold in client accounts unless done so after the client execution or concurrently as a part of a block trade.



Item 12: Brokerage Practices


Custodian & Brokers Used


Our firm does not maintain custody of client assets (although our firm may be deemed to have custody of client assets if give the authority to withdraw assets from client accounts. See Item 15 Custody, below). Client assets must be maintained in an account at a “qualified custodian,” generally a broker-dealer or bank. Our firm recommends that clients use the Schwab Advisor Services division of Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. (“Schwab”), a FINRA-registered broker-dealer, member SIPC, as the qualified custodian. Our firm is independently owned and operated, and not affiliated with Schwab. Schwab will hold client assets in a brokerage account and buy and sell securities when instructed. While our firm recommends that clients use Schwab as custodian/broker, clients will decide whether to do so and open an account with Schwab by entering into an account agreement directly with them. Our firm does not open the account. Even though the account is maintained at Schwab, our firm can still use other brokers to execute trades, as described in the next paragraph.


How Brokers/Custodians Are Selected


Our firm seeks to recommend a custodian/broker who will hold client assets and execute transactions on terms that are overall most advantageous when compared to other available providers and their services. A wide range of factors are considered, including, but not limited to:

·       combination of transaction execution services along with asset custody services (generally without a separate fee for custody)

·       capability to execute, clear and settle trades (buy and sell securities for client accounts)

·       capabilities to facilitate transfers and payments to and from accounts (wire transfers, check requests, bill payment, etc.)

·       breadth of investment products made available (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), etc.)

·       availability of investment research and tools that assist in making investment decisions quality of services

·       competitiveness of the price of those services (commission rates, margin interest rates, other fees, etc.) and willingness to negotiate them

·       reputation, financial strength and stability of the provider

·       prior service to our firm and our other clients

·       availability of other products and services that benefit our firm, as discussed below (see “Products & Services Available from Schwab”)


Custody & Brokerage Costs


Schwab generally does not charge a separate for custody services, but is compensated by charging commissions or other fees to clients on trades that are executed or that settle into the Schwab account.. In addition to commissions, Schwab charges a flat dollar amount as a “prime broker” or “trade away” fee for each trade that our firm has executed by a different broker-dealer but where the securities bought or the funds from the securities sold are deposited (settled) into a Schwab account. These fees are in addition to the commissions or other compensation paid to the executing broker-dealer. Because of this, in order to minimize client trading costs, our firm has Schwab execute most trades for the accounts.


Products & Services Available from Schwab


Schwab Advisor Services is Schwab’s business serving independent investment advisory firms like our firm. They provide our firm and clients, both those enrolled and not enrolled in the Program, with access to its institutional brokerage – trading, custody, reporting and related services – many of which are not typically available to Schwab retail customers. Schwab also makes available various support services. Some of those services help manage or administer our client accounts while others help manage and grow our business. Schwab’s support services are generally available on an unsolicited basis (our firm does not have to request them) and at no charge to our firm. The availability of Schwab’s products and services is not based on the provision of particular investment advice, such as purchasing particular securities for clients. Here is a more detailed description of Schwab’s support services:


Services that Benefit Clients


Schwab’s institutional brokerage services include access to a broad range of investment products, execution of securities transactions, and custody of client assets. The investment products available through Schwab include some to which our firm might not otherwise have access or that would require a significantly higher minimum initial investment by firm clients. Schwab’s services described in this paragraph generally benefit clients and their accounts.


Services that May Not Directly Benefit Clients 


Schwab also makes available other products and services that benefit our firm but may not directly benefit clients or their accounts. These products and services assist in managing and administering our client accounts. They include investment research, both Schwab’s and that of third parties. This research may be used to service all or some substantial number of client accounts, including accounts not maintained at Schwab. In addition to investment research, Schwab also makes available software and other technology that:

·       provides access to client account data (such as duplicate trade confirmations and account statements);

·       facilitates trade execution and allocate aggregated trade orders for multiple client accounts;

·       provides pricing and other market data;

·       facilitates payment of our fees from our clients’ accounts; and

·       assists with back-office functions, recordkeeping and client reporting.


Services that Generally Benefit Only Our Firm 

Schwab also offers other services intended to help manage and further develop our business enterprise. These services include:

·       educational conferences and events

·       technology, compliance, legal, and business consulting;

·       publications and conferences on practice management and business succession; and

·       access to employee benefits providers, human capital consultants and insurance providers.


Schwab may provide some of these services itself. In other cases, Schwab will arrange for third-party vendors to provide the services to our firm. Schwab may also discount or waive fees for some of these services or pay all or a part of a third party’s fees. Schwab may also provide our firm with other benefits, such as occasional business entertainment for our personnel.


Irrespective of direct or indirect benefits to our client through Schwab, our firm strives to enhance the client experience, help clients reach their goals and put client interests before that of our firm or associated persons.


Our Interest in Schwab’s Services.


The availability of these services from Schwab benefits our firm because our firm does not have to produce or purchase them. Our firm does not have to pay for these services, and they are not contingent upon committing any specific amount of business to Schwab in trading commissions or assets in custody. 


With respect to the Program, our firm does not pay SWIA fees for its services in the Program so long as our firm maintains $100 million in client assets in accounts at Schwab that are not enrolled in the Program. If our firm does not meet this condition, then our firm will pay SWIA an annual fee of 0.10% (10 basis points) on the value of our client assets in the Program. This fee arrangement gives our firm an incentive to recommend or require that clients with accounts not enrolled in the Program be maintained with Schwab. 


In light of our arrangements with Schwab, a conflict of interest exists as our firm may have incentive to require that clients maintain their accounts with Schwab based on our interest in receiving Schwab’s services that benefit our firm rather than based on client interest in receiving the best value in custody services and the most favorable execution of transactions. As part of our fiduciary duty to our clients, our firm will endeavor at all times to put the interests of our clients first. Clients should be aware, however, that the receipt of economic benefits by our firm or our related persons creates a potential conflict of interest and may indirectly influence our firm’s choice of Schwab as a custodial recommendation. Our firm examined this potential conflict of interest when our firm chose to recommend Schwab and have determined that the recommendation is in the best interest of our firm’s clients and satisfies our fiduciary obligations, including our duty to seek best execution.


In seeking best execution, the determinative factor is not the lowest possible cost, but whether the transaction represents the best qualitative execution, taking into consideration the full range of a broker-dealer’s services, including the value of research provided, execution capability, commission rates, and responsiveness. Although our firm will seek competitive rates, to the benefit of all clients, our firm may not necessarily obtain the lowest possible commission rates for specific client account transactions. Our firm believes that the selection of Schwab as a custodian and broker is the best interest of our clients. It is primarily supported by the scope, quality and price of Schwab’s services, and not Schwab’s services that only benefit our firm. 


Client Brokerage Commissions

Schwab does not make client brokerage commissions generated by client transactions available for our firm’s use.


Client Transactions in Return for Soft Dollars

Our firm does not direct client transactions to a particular broker-dealer in return for soft dollar benefits. 


Brokerage for Client Referrals

Our firm does not receive brokerage for client referrals.


Directed Brokerage

Neither our firm nor any of our firm’s representatives have discretionary authority in making the determination of the brokers-dealers and/or custodians with whom orders for the purchase or sale of securities are placed for execution, and the commission rates at which such securities transactions are affected. Our firm routinely recommends that clients direct us to execute through a specified broker-dealer. Our firm recommends the use of Schwab. Each client will be required to establish their account(s) with Schwab if not already done. Please note that not all advisers have this requirement.


Special Considerations for ERISA Clients

A retirement or ERISA plan client may direct all or part of portfolio transactions for its account through a specific broker or dealer in order to obtain goods or services on behalf of the plan. Such direction is permitted provided that the goods and services provided are reasonable expenses of the plan incurred in the ordinary course of its business for which it otherwise would be obligated and empowered to pay. ERISA prohibits directed brokerage arrangements when the goods or services purchased are not for the exclusive benefit of the plan. Consequently, our firm will request that plan sponsors who direct plan brokerage provide us with a letter documenting that this arrangement will be for the exclusive benefit of the plan.


Client-Directed Brokerage

Our firm does not allow client-directed brokerage outside our recommendations.


Aggregation of Purchase or Sale

Our firm provides investment management services for various clients. There are occasions on which portfolio transactions may be executed as part of concurrent authorizations to purchase or sell the same security for numerous accounts served by our firm, which involve accounts with similar investment objectives. Although such concurrent authorizations potentially could be either advantageous or disadvantageous to any one or more particular accounts, they are affected only when our firm believes that to do so will be in the best interest of the effected accounts. When such concurrent authorizations occur, the objective is to allocate the executions in a manner which is deemed equitable to the accounts involved. In any given situation, our firm attempts to allocate trade executions in the most equitable manner possible, taking into consideration client objectives, current asset allocation and availability of funds using price averaging, proration and consistently non-arbitrary methods of allocation.



Item 13: Review of Accounts or Financial Plans

Our firm’s Chief Compliance Officer, Diego Reyes, reviews accounts on at least a quarterly basis for our Asset Management and Comprehensive Portfolio Management clients. The nature of these reviews is to learn whether client accounts are in line with their investment objectives, appropriately positioned based on market conditions, and investment policies, if applicable. Our firm does not provide written reports to clients, unless asked to do so. Verbal reports to clients take place on at least an annual basis when our Asset Management and Comprehensive Portfolio Management clients are contacted. 

Our firm may review client accounts more frequently than described above. Among the factors which may trigger an off-cycle review are major market or economic events, the client’s life events, requests by the client, etc. 

Retirement Plan Consulting clients receive reviews of their retirement plans for the duration of the service. Our firm also provides ongoing services where clients are met with upon their request to discuss updates to their plans, changes in their circumstances, etc. Retirement Plan Consulting clients do not receive written or verbal updated reports regarding their plans unless they choose to engage our firm for ongoing services.



Item 14: Client Referrals & Other Compensation



Our firm receives economic benefit from Schwab in the form of the support products and services made available to our firm and other independent investment advisors that have their clients maintain accounts at Schwab. These products and services, how they benefit our firm, and the related conflicts of interest are described above (see Item 12 – Brokerage Practices). The availability of Schwab’s products and services is not based on our firm giving particular investment advice, such as buying particular securities for our clients.


Referral Fees 

Our firm does not pay referral fees (non-commission based) to independent solicitors (non-registered representatives) for the referral of their clients to our firm in accordance with relevant state statutes and rules. 



Item 15: Custody



Deduction of Advisory Fees:


State Securities Bureaus generally take the position that any arrangement under which a registered investment adviser is authorized or permitted to withdraw client funds or securities maintained with a custodian upon the adviser’s instruction to the custodian is deemed to have custody of client funds and securities. As such, our firm has adopted the following safeguarding procedures:

a)    Clients must provide our firm with written authorization permitting direct payment of advisory fees from their account(s) maintained by a custodian who is independent of our firm;

b)    Our firm sends quarterly statements to the client showing the fee amount, the value of the assets upon which the fee is based, and the specific manner in which the fee is calculated as well as disclosing that it is the client’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of fee calculation, and that the custodian does not determine its accuracy; and 

c)     The account custodian sends a statement to the client, at least quarterly, showing all account disbursements, including advisory fees. 


Clients are encouraged to raise any questions with us about the custody, safety or security of their assets and our custodial recommendations.

Third Party Money Movement:

On February 21, 2017, the SEC issued a no‐action letter (“Letter”) with respect to Rule 206(4)‐2 (“Custody Rule”) under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”). The letter provided guidance on the Custody Rule as well as clarified that an adviser who has the power to disburse client funds to a third party under a standing letter of authorization (“SLOA”) is deemed to have custody. As such, our firm has adopted the following safeguards in conjunction with our custodian:


  • The client provides an instruction to the qualified custodian, in writing, that includes the client’s signature, the third party’s name, and either the third party’s address or the third party’s account number at a custodian to which the transfer should be directed. 

  • The client authorizes the investment adviser, in writing, either on the qualified custodian’s form or separately, to direct transfers to the third party either on a specified schedule or from time to time. 

  • The client’s qualified custodian performs appropriate verification of the instruction, such as a signature review or other method to verify the client’s authorization, and provides a transfer of funds notice to the client promptly after each transfer. 

  • The client has the ability to terminate or change the instruction to the client’s qualified custodian. 

  • The investment adviser has no authority or ability to designate or change the identity of the third party, the address, or any other information about the third party contained in the client’s instruction. 

  • The investment adviser maintains records showing that the third party is not a related party of the investment adviser or located at the same address as the investment adviser. 

  • The client’s qualified custodian sends the client, in writing, an initial notice confirming the instruction and an annual notice reconfirming the instruction.



Item 16: Investment Discretion


Clients have the option of providing our firm with investment discretion on their behalf, pursuant to an executed investment advisory client agreement. By granting investment discretion, our firm is authorized to execute securities transactions, determine which securities are bought and sold, and the total amount to be bought and sold. Should clients grant our firm non-discretionary authority, our firm would be required to obtain the client’s permission prior to effecting securities transactions. Limitations may be imposed by the client in the form of specific constraints on any of these areas of discretion with our firm’s written acknowledgement. In accordance with CCR Section 260.237.2(f)(1), our firm will obtain client permission prior to effecting securities transactions in client accounts managed on a non-discretionary basis.



Item 17: Voting Client Securities


 Our firm does not accept the proxy authority to vote client securities. Clients will receive proxies or other solicitations directly from their custodian or a transfer agent. In the event that proxies are sent to our firm, our firm will forward them to the appropriate client and ask the party who sent them to mail them directly to the client in the future. Clients may call, write or email us to discuss questions they may have about particular proxy votes or other solicitations.


Item 18: Financial Information


Our firm is not required to provide financial information in this Brochure because:

  • Our firm does not require the prepayment of more than $500 in fees when services cannot be rendered within 6 months.

  • Our firm does not take custody of client funds or securities.

  • Our firm does not have a financial condition or commitment that impairs our ability to meet contractual and fiduciary obligations to clients.

  • Our firm has never been the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding.


Item 19: Requirements for State-Registered Advisers


Executive Officers & Management Persons


Diego Marin Reyes 


Educational Background: 

  • 2013: California State University, Northridge; Bachelor of Arts, Economics

  • 2011: Monterey Peninsula College; Associate of Arts, Economics


Business Background: 

  • 04/2021 – Present      Stillwater Capital Management; Co-CEO/ CCO/ IAR 

  • 07/2020 – 04/2021       Sabbatical

  • 03/2018 – 07/2020       Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.; Financial Advisor

  • 09/2017 – 12/2017       Aspire Health Plan; Consultant

  • 05/2017 – 07/2017       Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.; Financial Advisor

  • 09/2016 – 05/2017       Aspire Health Plan; Consultant

  • 07/2014 – 09/2016       Campisi Financial Services Corporation; Head of Employee Benefits


Exams, Licenses & Other Professional Designations: 

  • 2018: Series 66 Exam

  • 2016: Series 7 Exam

  • 2015: California Life & Health Insurance License (License# 0K03651)

Kyle R Sabdo

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor of Science Finance, Northern Illinois university - 2004

Business Background:

  • 08/2023 - Present Stillwater Capital Management; Co-CEO/ IAR

  • 07/2014 - 08/2023 Merrill; Financial Advisor

  • 01/2014 - 07/2014 Unemployed

  • 04/2005 - 12/2013 JP Morgan Chase; Mortgage Underwriter

Exams, Licenses & Other Professional Designations:

  • CFP® - Certified Financial Planner

  • 2015: Series 66 - Uniform Combined State Law Examination

  • 2015: Series 7 - General Securities Representative Exam

  • 2018: SIE - Securities Industry Essentials Examination


Please see Item 10 of this brochure for information about any other business activities. Our firm does not charge performance-based fees. Our firm and management persons have not been involved in any arbitration awards, found liable in any civil, self-regulatory organization or administrative proceedings or have any relationships with issuers or securities apart from what is disclosed above.


Our firm does not have compensation arrangements connected with advisory services which are in addition to our advisory fees. Our management persons and representatives do not have a relationship or arrangement with any issuer of securities. As a fiduciary, our firm always put our Client’s interest above our own. Information regarding participation of interest in client transactions can be found in our Code of Ethics as well as Item 11 of this Brochure. Clients may obtain a copy of our Code of Ethics by contacting Diego Reyes, Chief Compliance Officer at 831-877-1095.


[1] For purposes of the policy, our associate’s personal account generally includes any account (a) in the name of our associate, his/her spouse, his/her minor children or other dependents residing in the same household, (b) for which our associate is a trustee or executor, or (c) which our associate controls, including our client accounts which our associate controls and/or a member of his/her household has a direct or indirect beneficial interest in.